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Enlight took part to Italia Solare Forum 2024

Two intense days in the splendid setting of Rome marked the just-concluded Italia Solare 2024 forum, with reflections, exchanges of ideas and reassuring market data.

Optimism prevails over everything. The sector continues, despite regulatory shocks, in its race toward the 2030 goals. It is expected to have about 17GW of projects ready to build at the end of 2024. The draft laws on eligible areas, net of some striking (and isolated) extreme cases, promise an environment still favorable to new developments, especially in northern Italy. Much remains to be done to support agri-voltaics, which would need dedicated tariffs but, the recent winners of the PNRR call for proposals, should make it possible to have, in the not too distant future, several new plants built and thus new case studies and real data.

Kudos to the great, tireless Italia Solare team for allowing the more than 500 people in attendance access to well-structured content and many opportunities.

forum2024 energetictransion solarpv agrivoltaic 


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